Thursday, February 19, 2009

cranberry saw us

originally posted on Myspace July 10, 2007

for those of you that remember how much i geeked out to that little ol' band the cranberries ya might be interested to know that my 15 year dream in the making came true lastnight. i finally saw dolores o'riordan in concert. she just released a solo album that is great. you should check it out if you need some good alternative rock to get your head a bangin' and your heart a movin'. i got the tickets a few months ago when i was in the throws of production and didn't have the time to think about the show that much so when yesterday rolled around it was a nice little surprise for me. she flipping rocked and i mean---R.O.C.K.E.D! my gosh, she is simply beautiful. she sang a bunch of the cranberries' songs along with the new stuff and talked to the audience a lot about what she has been up to and how happy she was to be in boston. what's cool is she seemed humbly surprised at how excited the audience was to hear her perform. as for me, i rocked as hard as i could, jumping around with all the former flannel shirt-wearing bostonites and though my knees aren't thanking me this morning, i am wonderfully content and thoroughly rocked.

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